




Design Team



The Governor’s Academy for Technology in Teaching and Learning is a professional development opportunity for South Dakota Educators. 


The purpose of the Basic TTL Academy is to establish a growing cadre of highly trained educators who will actively change teaching and learning through the integration of technology into the curriculum. These educators will model effective teaching strategies that support and enhance student learning. As instructional leaders they will assist fellow educators to advance learning that is enriched by technology.

TTL objectives:

bulletThe TTL participant will use computer-based technologies, including telecommunications, to access information and enhance personal and professional productivity;
bulletThe TTL participant will acquire and improve technical skill in a broad range of computer applications, including word processing/desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, web authoring, hypermedia and presentation programs, and will use these applications to develop materials that support contemporary instruction;
bulletThe TTL participant will implement basic troubleshooting techniques related to using a multimedia system with related peripheral devices and will operate a multimedia computer system with related peripheral devices to install and use a variety of software packages;
bulletThe TTL participant will practice responsible, ethical and legal use of technology, information, and software resources and will design student learning activities that foster equitable, ethical use of technology by students;
bulletThe TTL participant will develop technology-supported instructional units/activities that promote engaged, worthwhile learning and will post these units/activities for statewide dissemination;
bulletThe TTL participant will locate, access, evaluate for accuracy, and use on-line (Internet/WWW) resources/materials to support, enhance, and extend K-12 curriculum and instructional strategies;
bulletThe TTL participant will work with colleagues, applying a design team approach, to analyze and design technology-rich learning experiences that reflect current pedagogy and best teaching practices;
bulletThe TTL participant will model the use of research, collaboration, and self-reflection in the process of personal and professional growth as an effective educator;
bulletThe TTL participant will develop a computer-based staff development activity that models the effective use of technology in support of learning, and will implement this activity in their home school/district during the school year;
bulletThe TTL participant will model life-long learning in technology to improve both skill levels and integration practices related to instructional technology.

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